Maintaining diversity and uniqueness with generative modular façade optimization
Liang-Yu Lin, Lihan Jin, Yu-Jun Yeh, Zeid Ghawi
Liang-Yu Lin, Lihan Jin, Yu-Jun Yeh, Zeid Ghawi
Medium: Full Text
Façades have long been not only the building’s first line of defense against environmental and physical exposure but also one of a structure’s most expressive features. The reemergence of modular construction and standardization due to an ever-growing demand for sustainability, lower costs, less time and wastage, and more quality control in the industry have raised the concern and challenge of façades becoming too uniform and losing their distinctiveness. This project aims to leverage the use of generative design and a multi-objective genetic algorithm connected to the application ‘Discover’ in order to produce many diverse façade options optimizing solar gain and balcony size, with the potential addition of views and a certain unit type. The generative model is given the flexibility to vary the unit mix, unit arrangement, and façade orientation, as well as modular peak depth, shape, and profile width. The model is also one that can be used as a tool to find a high performing option adapted to a particular site through a goal-driven design exploration process.